Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Published: by Scholastic- 9/1/09
Pages: 391
Series or Standalone? Book 2 in possibly the most amazing trilogy that has ever graced before my eyes!
Pages: 391
Series or Standalone? Book 2 in possibly the most amazing trilogy that has ever graced before my eyes!
Summary (from GoodReads):
Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow district tribute Peeta Mellark. But it was a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and their harsh rules. Katniss and Peeta should be happy. After all, they have just won for themselves and their families a life of safety and plenty. But there are rumors of rebellion among the subjects, and Katniss and Peeta, to their horror, are the faces of that rebellion. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge.
Where do I start with Catching Fire? The only words that come to mind when trying to describe this are; "amazing," "mind-blowing," and "sooooo good." The Hunger Games trilogy is so absolutely beautiful in almost every possible way, that it is hard not to write a review on it that is not a total gush fest.
Unlike the majority it seems, I actually like Catching Fire better than The Hunger Games. They are both amazing, but I like the plot in this installment better. There was something about the intensity and energy of this book with literally not having any idea what is going to happen next that made me fall head over heals for this book.
That intensity also got me immensely hooked. I mean once you start reading you're HOOKED. Seriously, this book should come with a warning along the lines if this- "WARNING: Once you start this book (series), you will be so captivated by it, it shall be impossible to put down."
While I definitely like some characters WAY more than others- I still love them all.
Katniss. I love Katniss! She is strong, stubborn, and truly passionate in the things she believes in. Shes my role model. And while obviously my life/experiences are NOTHING like hers, I find her very relatable through how she expresses her thoughts and feelings, inwardly and outwardly.
Peeta. I loooooove Peeta! I wish I had a Peeta in my own life- he is just so sweet and truly genuine. And while I think he might not be the best for Katniss per se, it still doesn't take away the love I have for him.
Gale. True we don't see much of him throughout the books, but everytime I do see him he hath captured my heart!
Characters Katniss and Peeta meet in Hunger Games. They are so all quirky and distinct- I might not "like" them all, but I think they make great additions to the book.
Also, while it was a definite cliff-hanger (especially more than that of THG) as it makes me want to beg on my knees to Scholastic for a copy of Book 3, or at least get as a sneak peak. Or read a ton of mechanical books so I can build a time machine and set it for August 24th.
Overall, this book radiates originality*, and pure awesomeness. Its the kind of book that stays with you and you will most definitely remember. I can almost guarantee you will fall in love with this book, and thus I recommend to everyone above age 10, boys and girls alike.
When Hooked. Immediately.
Hookability: (10/10)
Writing: (10/10)
Characters: (10/10)
Plot: (10/10)
Originality: (10/10)*
Romance: (9.5/10)**
Ending: (9.5/10)
Remembrable: (10/10)
Recommendability: (10/10)
Hookability: (10/10)
Writing: (10/10)
Characters: (10/10)
Plot: (10/10)
Originality: (10/10)*
Romance: (9.5/10)**
Ending: (9.5/10)
Remembrable: (10/10)
Recommendability: (10/10)
Enjoyability: (10/10)
Overall: (9.96/10) The highest rated book so far if I might add.

(If you are a "letter person" 99/100= A+)
*There has been some debate over whether or not The Hunger Games is a total "copy"/"rip off" of Koushun Takami's Battle Royale, and though I have yet to read Battle Royale so I cant make a proper refute, I refuse to believe that it is a rip-off because while the kids fighting to their death may not have been originally Suzanne Collins' idea, everything else about this book is just so amazing and unique that there is no way its a rip off.
**For fun debate on Team Gale vs. Team Peeta by Heidi R. Kling and other fabulous YA authors and bloggers check out Chelsea's post here.
Totally agree. Catching Fire is AMAZING.
I did a guest post about Team Peeta on thepageflipper's blog awhile back.
Love love love these books. Can't wait for the 3rd. I want to be Team Peeta, but I just don't think it is meant to be. Thanks for the review. ♥Parajunkee
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